what would you need to survive in space

What Would It Be Like to Live on Venus?

Venus in 1979
Venus would non be a pleasant place for people to alive in the solar organisation. The planet's agile volcanoes and delinquent greenhouse result would arrive a difficult identify to survive. (Image credit: NSSDC Photo Gallery)

Between its desiccated, ruddy-orange landscape and surface temperatures hot enough to melt pb, Venus is our solar system's analog to hell. Setting upwardly a livable base of operations on the planet is a feat far beyond our technological capabilities right now, but here's what life would exist like if we could actually live on Venus.

Venus is often thought of every bit Globe's twin sister considering the size and composition of the two planets are similar. And then it should come equally no surprise that NASA, the Soviet space program, the European Space Bureau (ESA) and others take sent numerous spacecraft to explore the planet 2d closest to the sun — more than 40 in all since the 1960s. [Living on Venus: Why Information technology Would Exist Tough]

Crushing atmospheric pressure level and temperatures of hundreds of degrees brand survival on Venus rather challenging. See how living on Venus would be hard in this infographic. (Image credit: by Karl Tate, Infographics Artist)

In the early 1990s, NASA's Venus orbiter spacecraft, Magellan, used radar signals to map 98 percent of the planet (nosotros can't see Venus's surface directly because of its thick deject comprehend). Later that, Venus was largely forgotten about until 2005, when the ESA launched its Venus Limited spacecraft to report the planet'south atmosphere, said Venus Express project scientist Håkan Svedhem.

"The surface of Venus is quite different from other planets in the solar arrangement," Svedhem told Space.com. Radar images from Magellan showed that the Venusian surface is busy with mountains; craters; thousands of volcanoes, some of which are much larger than Earth's; lava-borne canals upwards to 3,000 miles (5,000 km) in length; ringlike structures called coronae, or crowns; and odd, deformed terrain called tesserae.

The planet'due south defining surface characteristic, however, is its apartment, shine plains, which cover near ii-thirds of Venus — these plains would, arguably, be the all-time places to ready upwards a home base to alive.

Walking effectually on Venus wouldn't exist a pleasant experience. The Venusian surface is completely dry considering the planet suffers from a runaway greenhouse gas effect. That is, its thick temper is full of heat-trapping carbon dioxide that keeps the planet's surface temperatures at virtually 870 degrees Fahrenheit (465 degrees Celsius).

Venus' gravity is almost 91 pct of Earth's, and then you lot could spring a footling higher and objects would feel a bit lighter on Venus, compared with Earth. "Yous probably wouldn't discover the difference in gravity so much, only what y'all would find is the dense atmosphere," Svedhem said. "The air is and so thick that if endeavour to motility your arm quickly, yous would feel resistance. It would virtually be similar being in water."

Besides, it'd exist hard to miss the change in atmospheric pressure. At sea level on Earth, the air presses down on our bodies at xiv.5 pounds per square inch, or one bar; the surface force per unit area on Venus is 92 bar. To experience that pressure on Earth, yous'd have to travel more than than iii,000 feet (914 m) downwards into the sea. [Photos of Venus: The Planet Next Door]

Venus takes 225 Earth days to revolve around the dominicus and 243 Globe days to rotate on its axis. "Only the fourth dimension from ane midday to the adjacent is 117 Globe days, because Venus rotates backwards," Svedhem said. This retrograde rotation likewise means that the lord's day would rising in the west and ready in the e.

Though we run into a blue sky on Earth, the sky on Venus would e'er announced reddish orange because of the way the carbon dioxide molecules scatter the sunday'due south light. You wouldn't see the dominicus as a distinct indicate in this sky, merely rather a hazy, yellowish tint behind the dumbo clouds, Svedhem said, adding that the nighttime heaven would exist a starless black.

High in Venus's atmosphere, winds travel up to 249 mph (400 km/h) — faster than tornado and hurricane winds on World. Only on the planet'south surface, the air current only travels at about 2 mph (three km/h). And though the planet does accept lightning, the blinding flashes never reach the surface. Additionally, the blistering estrus prevents any rainstorms from touching ground on Venus.

The active volcanoes on Venus, still, may pose a danger, Svedhem said.

And different Earth, Venus probable doesn't have earthquakes because it lacks tectonic plate action that releases heat from its interior. Instead, what may happen is that the rut builds to a critical signal over millions of years, and so suddenly gets released from some kind of mechanism, such as large-scale volcanic activity that remolds the surface of the planet.

But if you wanted to mutter to your friends back home about how lava destroyed your backyard, don't expect an immediate response — your message would have a few minutes to reach Earth when the two planets are at their shortest altitude apart. And when Venus is on the other side of the sunday from Globe, information technology could accept nigh xv minutes for your message to become home.

Editor's note: This is Part ii in Space.com's 12-office series "Living on Other Planets: What Information technology Would Be Like" to see what an astronaut would see on other planets and moons of our solar system and across. Check back every Tuesday to see how humans would live on other cosmic bodies in the universe.

Follow Joseph Castro on Twitter . Follow us @Spacedotcom , Facebook and Google+ . Original article on Space.com .

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Joseph Bennington-Castro is a Hawaii-based contributing writer for Alive Science and Space.com. He holds a master's degree in scientific discipline journalism from New York University, and a bachelor's caste in physics from the University of Hawaii. His piece of work covers all areas of science, from the quirky mating behaviors of different animals, to the drug and alcohol habits of ancient cultures, to new advances in solar cell applied science. On a more personal note, Joseph has had a near-obsession with video games for as long equally he can remember, and is probably playing a game at this very moment.


Source: https://www.space.com/28357-how-to-live-on-venus.html

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