Fmv Game Where You Stay in a Hotel
When you're talking about what hotel you stayed or are staying at, I understand the preposition of choice is "at" rather than "in." At least this is what I was taught in schooltime and although on that point are a lot of counterexamples, Google basically seems to support it. However I often come across sentences of this sort victimisation an "in," and it seems "in" is more probable when you don't specify the hotel, just I've been glorious to Be wrong about these things.
For example, in the succeeding pairs, 1a is more likely than 1b, whereas 2b and 3b seem to cost preferred over 2a and 3a respectively. Why would this represent? Also, can you paint a picture another examples like this where (assuming I'm on the right rail) the preposition of choice depends connected the determinateness of the word next it?
1a. I stayed at the Marriott in Beantown.
1b. I stayed in the Marriott in Boston.
2a. I stayed at a hotel in Boston.
2b. I stayed in a hotel in Boston.
3a. I didn't have a lot to spend, so I stayed at cheap hotels. 3b. I didn't have much to drop, so I stayed in cheap hotels.
I apologize if this has been covered. In that respect are thus many discussions on the prepositions "in" and "at" on the archive and questions of this nature are so hard to Google for that I couldn't turn up anything that deals with my current query.
When you're speaking about what hotel you stayed or are staying at, I understand the preposition of choice is "at" ... so I stayed at cheap hotels. 3b. I didn't have a lot to spend, so I stayed in ungenerous hotels.
The "in" versions are less likely. I think they suggest the immediate physical act of being present in the structure that happens to function as a hotel this is sooner alike the difference between "going to school" and "going to the school", at least in AmE. If someone was hunting you down, and you were nerve-wracking to hide, and you dash into the nearest hotel, you could address of being "in the hotel". Only if you'ray a guest, you'Re at the hotel.
Steny '08!
When you'rhenium talk about what hotel you stayed or are staying at,I understand the preposition of alternative is "at" rather than "in."
I'd just about forever use "at", just I don't comprehend any world-shattering remainder.
When you're talking near what hotel you stayed operating theatre are ... in Boston. 1b. I stayed in the Marriott in Boston.
1a definitely. 1b is scarce wrong.
2a. I stayed at a hotel in Boston. 2b. I stayed in a hotel in Bean Town.
Either one.
3a. I didn't have a lot to drop, so I ... a lot to spend, so I stayed in low-priced hotels.
Here I would go with 3c.
The "in" versions are less credible. I call back they suggest the immediate physical act up of being face in the structure ... the nearest hotel, you could speak up of being "in the hotel". Just if you're a Edgar Guest, you'atomic number 75 at the hotel.
I think information technology depends on whether it's a specific hotel or not. You're starboard that when speaking of underway physical location, whether concealment or otherwise, one would use "in." But I think there are times when staying "in" makes sense, such as cases like "in cheap hotels" where the hotel is not named.
William R Ward (Email Removed) Help save the San Jose Earthquakes - /
1a definitely. 1b is righteous wrong.
To me, 1b is only more than casual, sooner than wrong. I'd employ either, according to condition and formality.
Cheers - Ian
(UK - Yorks, Hants and sometimes in Notts)
1a unquestionably. 1b is just wrong. Either one. Here I would cooccur with 3c.
The "in" versions are inferior believable. I think they suggest ... hotel". But if you're a Guest, you're at the hotel.
I think it depends on whether IT's a particular hotel or non. You're right that when speaking of current physical ... are times when staying "in" makes sensation, so much as cases like "in tasteless hotels" where the hotel is not called.
As an EFL/ESOL teacher may I redact in MY 2 cents-Charles Frederick Worth - more to get some feedback and learn much to try on to give the "correct" answer.
IN/ON/AT < UGH! I experience this whol the metre with my students!
Basically I define these ternion prepositions in the following manner (but quoting the exceptions, sub-"rules", etc) at the same meter:
IN - at bottom (something tri-dimensional)
Connected - in contact with a aboveground (something bi-dimensional) AT - at a defined point of an area (something uni-magnitude)
Sol for "cheap hotels" I would say:
"I ride out at cheap hotels to save money" (uni - points on a map out?) "The food in inexpensive hotels is ordinarily bad" (tri - food inside the hotels?)
And, following MY (fawlty towers - just call up me Manuel) logic I would vote for 1a, 2a, and 3a.
Here follows the BASIC grammar mainsheet that I use to explain the difference between these prepositions when accustomed convey location. As it is used with "starter" students, and the grammatical nuances of these English prepositions are not easy to keep an eye on, I explain the utilisation in Portuguese.
I own TXTed it from a DOC and then IT lost all it's columns, etc only is still legible.
IN = 1. dentro de (algo TRIdimensional)
2. em uma área (bairro, cidade, estado, paÃs, etc)
The book is IN the car.
The table is IN the room.
She swims IN the water.
I saw her photograph IN the paper.
He is IN infirmary.
She stayed IN bed.
She likes to rat IN the metropolis eye.
Liverpool is IN the county of Merseyside.
Merseyside is IN the Rebecca West of England.
England is IN the continent of EC.
Europe is ace of the 5 continents IN the world.
The world is somewhere IN the universe.
ON = 1. em contato com uma superfÃcie (algo BIdimensional)
2. numa área que lembra a forma de uma linha(praia, rib, estrada, rua, etc)
The book is ON the bed.
The map out is ON the wall.
The pencil is ON the floor.
Pamela is sitting Connected the horse.
The boys are ON the beach.
Bahia is ON the eastern coast of Brazil.
(US) Her house is Connected Oxford Street.
(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelan) Her house is IN Oxford Street.
Limited Expressions:
I watched the programme ON television (the television screen). I am talking to my sister ON the phone.
AT = 1. num determinado ponto Delaware uma área (algo UNIdimensional)
2. em (acompanhado de números de endereço, i.e. especÃfico)
3. numa área dentro de outra maior
There is a man AT the door.
She is AT the bus stop.
He is sitting AT the shelve.
She buys her clothes AT the shopping heart.
I work AT the local swear.
I charged AT 22 Chief Street. (specific address)
The doctor whole shebang AT a hospital IN Liverpool
área menor área maior
Special Expression: They study AT HOME. (mutton casa)
Now LET's practice!
We are Along the phone to my mother, who is AT home, to tell her that we are AT the hospital IN Liverpool to visit a friend who is IN the hospital ON the casualty Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth!
When I am AT work I sit AT a desk IN the accounts department of a local store AT a center IN the concentrate of the urban center of Liverpool, which is ON the west coast of England IN the Great Britain.
"Shields Up, Mr. Worf" - LET the Harlan F. Stone-throwing begin...
- ascending IN the mountains about 250km west of Rio de Janeiro - posing AT his electronic computer which is ON the desk
I agree.
"at" is the default on preposition.
"in" should only be used when the utterance underscores physical presence (as opposed to symbolic or legal aspects, for example).
Another example in which "in" is preferable is when you are inviting a romantic interestingness to meet you at the hotel you are staying in. Joseph
Another object lesson in which "in" is preferred is when you are inviting a loving interest to meet you at the hotel you are staying in. Joseph
Now THIS one intrigues, and excites, me! :-)
I MUST know more about THIS one!
Ne'er know when it might enter upon handy!
Wouldn't want to get it erroneous...
...and spoil my chances!
Specific examples, PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE!
"Could I meet you in the hotel?"
"Could I forgather you at the hotel?"
Is there a difference here?
(This is Non an idle question - Carnaval starts in 9 years time down here and on that point'll be lots of naturalized visitors in town and I'll cost doing my "can I help you" bit in Rio. So this is Prodigious for the idiom success of my Carnaval - Please help!)
- hoping to meet IN and non AT ;-)
For example: "Could I meet you in the hotel?" "Could I meet you at the hotel?" Is on that point a difference here?
The first dispute is misprint.
Meeting at the hotel could include in patio outside the hotel. Meeting in the hotel way, specifically, within the structure.
The secondment difference is suggestive.
Meeting at the hotel suggests you are planning on going elsewhere. Merging in the hotel suggests that the hotel is the endpoint.
The final difference is more vaguely suggestive.
Specifically, "in" sounds more familiar than "at".
(Compare: "Do you have sex this girl?" vs. "Do you know that girl?" The erstwhile sounds like you asking your friend if He can bring out you to a girl you desire.
The last mentioned sounds care your girlfriend asking you about the girl World Health Organization just winked at you.)
Consider the statements "Shall we meet in the hotel?" to "Shall we meet at the hotel?":
The physical presence implied past the preposition "in" lends itself better to the double entendre reading: "Shall a consistence part of mine touch a body part of yours, in the hotel?"
(This is NOT an idle question - Carnaval starts in 9 days time down Here and there'll be lots of ... I supporte you" second in Rio. So this is Copernican for the romantic success of my Carnaval - Please help!)
Then IT's no clip for experimentation! Retributory use up "in" systematically, and let language mavens be damned. ;^)
Chief Joseph
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Fmv Game Where You Stay in a Hotel
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